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Electrical Preventative Maintenance Saves Time, Money, and has these other Benefits

As with anything in life, all the electrical in your home or business can benefit from a little preventative maintenance. Taking the time to look things over now and make little adjustments or repairs can mean a world of difference later when things do not go haywire at the worst moment.
Here are 4 things that you should do when performing electrical preventative maintenance:
1.     Things to Do in All Your Electrical Equipment Rooms
Your electrical equipment rooms should always be free of dust, dirt, water, and airborne contaminants. You should never store anything else in these rooms and they should all have adequate lighting, so that you can see everything at all times. We also recommend limiting the access to these spaces, so that only you or specific people can enter them.
2.     Things to Do with Your Electrical Equipment
All your electrical equipment should always be kept away from water or other moisture to prevent damage or shortages from occurring. You should also keep everything else away from these items, so that if something does happen to spark, you do not need to worry about anything else catching fire.
3.     Things to Do to Minimize Heat Buildup
It is very important to keep the heat in electrical spaces from building up, as that is never good for the equipment. To do this, you will want to keep the outsides of your electrical equipment clean and keep the areas around them well ventilated. You should also clean or replace any filters and inspect seals and gadgets to see if they need replacing as well.
4.     Things to Do with Your Electrical Connections
When it comes to your electrical connections, you should identify hot spots with a scanning device and always look to make sure that they are tight. It is also an excellent idea to check for signs of corrosion, excessive heating, and even signs of arcing. When you take the time to replace or repair those items that are bad now, you can be saving yourself a lot of time, money, and headaches later.
If you do these four things routinely, you should have no major issues come up unexpectedly with your electrical system. Instead, you will find that you know when a problem looks like it may be starting, and you can take the proper measures to fix it before everything gets out of control.

July 19, 2019

Do You Truly Understand the Role of a Residential or Commercial Electrician?

As with any other job, electricians can work in many different environments. There are those that work within residential areas and those that work solely in the commercial fields. While some of the training for both types of electricians is the same, there are many different things that each one needs to know in order to perform their job to the fullest of their abilities.
Residential Electricians
There are more residential electricians than any other type and there is a plethora of different projects that they can do. These electricians can be seen working inside homes, apartment buildings, condos, and other residential type buildings. Throughout the course of their career, they will install wires for ceiling fans, replace light fixtures, add lighting to an outdoor space or indoor room, and even run new wiring throughout older homes. A residential electrician can either work on their own or they can work for a company.
Commercial Electricians
A commercial electrician will work solely in offices, stores, and other types of commercial buildings. While they can be seen running wires and installing new lighting fixtures, other parts of their jobs include upgrades and troubleshooting entire electrical systems. These electricians normally work for companies and there are not too many that take the time to branch out on their own.
There are many different types of commercial electricians and they include industrial, installation, maintenance, sign, and many more. An industrial electrician will work inside factories and processing plants and they mainly specialize in large machines and manufacturing systems.
An installation electrician will focus on the electrical systems for new commercial buildings. They do the set up for all the electrical equipment, as well as the wiring for lights, heating, cooling, security systems, and much more. Some of these installation electricians will do work on the residential side too.
Maintenance electricians can also work in both the residential and commercial fields and their focus is on the maintenance and repair of electrical systems. They will also do upgrades when needed. Most of the time, a private company will hire a commercial electrician as an employee to ensure that their electrical equipment and systems are always in working order.
A sign electrician specializes in signs, signal lights, outdoor lighting, and awnings. While some of these items can be found on commercial buildings, these electricians will also find themselves working on roads, airports, and other areas that have signs.
Now that you know the true roles between residential and commercial electricians, you will know who to hire for the job that you need completed. And if you have ever been interested in becoming an electrician, you will also have an idea of what type you would like to be.

July 19, 2019

Safety Tips for Using Outdoor Outlets Safely

  Outdoor outlets can be a lifesaver when you are entertaining, displaying holiday lights, or even doing home improvement projects. However, those same outlets are a disaster waiting to happen. Did you know that outdoor outlets can become damaged over time? And that those damaged outlets can cause you or your family to be electrocuted?  They can also start a fire unexpectedly! Here are 4 safety tips for using your outdoor outlets safely: Inspect them regularly   Looking at your outdoor outlets regularly will allow you to notice deterioration and other damage before it becomes too late. If you see any wires sticking out, missing pieces, sparks, or anything else that doesn’t seem normal, it is time to stop using the outlet and call an electrician.    Make sure you have weatherproofed outlets installed   Not any type of outlet can be installed outside and if you are not sure if yours are suitable for any type of weather, you should have them replaced immediately. According to the national codes, any outlet that is placed outside must have a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, or a GCFI. This feature will instantly interrupt the electricity flow if anything comes into contact with water. You should be familiar with a GCFI, because you should also have them in any of the rooms in your home where there is water.    Utilize proper extension cords   You might think that you can take an indoor extension cord and use it to plug in your holiday lights outside, but that would be like waiting for disaster to hit! We recommend only using outdoor extension cords with your outdoor outlets, because they have more insulation to protect them from the sun, moisture, and even the fluctuating temperatures. You should be able to tell the difference between the two cords, because those designed for indoor use have two prongs, while outdoor extension cords have three prongs.    Cover your outlets   All your outdoor outlets should have metal or plastic covers to keep them dry and away from the elements. You should also make sure that all the wires are tucked beneath the cover, so that they do not get wet either.    We don’t want you to stop using your outdoor outlets, but we do want to make sure that you are safe when you do. If you are unsure about any part of your outdoor outlets, give a professional electrician a call so they can inspect them and let you know if they are safe to use.   

June 20, 2019

What You Need to Know about Charging Your Car at Home

  Electric cars are becoming more popular, but some people like yourself are shying away from purchasing them. The reason for that is that you have no clue what you need to be able to charge your car at home. And, if you can’t charge your car at home for some reason, what good would it be to own an electric car?  So much to worry about, but we are going to get you the answers that you need, so you can stop hesitating over a car purchase.  The first thing that you will need to know is that almost every electric car that is sold can be charged using a standard 120-volt wall socket. This is normally considered a Level One charging and can take a long time to do. Therefore, we recommend that you at least install a 220-volt wall socket, so you can have a Level Two charging station for faster results.  An EVSE, or Electric Vehicle Service Equipment, is your best option for charging your electric vehicle though. The EVSE is a box, cord, and plug that mounts to the wall near where you park your car. This type of charger will cut your charging time in half while giving you important information. In fact, it can also turn the electricity supply to the car on and off, let you know how much electricity is available currently in your vehicle, and ensure that there are no electrical problems.  The best part about EVSEs is that they can provide you with daily usage reports to allow you to determine how much money you are saving by using this vehicle.  The features that you need to look for in an EVSE are a 30-amp service, a good-sized charging cable, and excellent connectivity. The 30-amp service will allow you to add thirty miles of range in approximately an hour, while the charging cable will need to easily reach where you plan on parking your car. As for the connectivity, this is ideal so that you can control your EVSE without needing to be home or outside. Instead, you can do it from a mobile app on your phone from wherever you are.  We do recommend that you call an electrician to install your EVSE, because even though they are easy to do, electricity is involved. We don’t want you or anyone else to take a chance with something you are not familiar with, when there are plenty of experienced electricians that can do it without electrocuting themselves or their family. 

June 19, 2019

What’s the Future of Nurse Call Systems?

You might not hear the term “nurse call system” often, but the concept is an old one. It has existed ever since there was a need to get the attention of nurses. The earliest type was a simple bell, but as you would expect, modern types make use of the latest technology. Despite the rapid improvements in this system, it must still be asked what the future has in store. Here’s a look at some expected developments in this important area of medicine.
Increased mobility – It makes sense that this essential system would use evolving mobile technology to the fullest advantage. There will be increasing reliance on mobile applications to enhance nurse call systems. The use of smart phones will increase response times and improve the level of patient safety. These devices will also be able to provide more information on a case by case basis.
Enhanced communication – quality patient care is dependent on correct, up-to-date medical information. Since a patient’s condition may render him or her unable to speak, it is important that the nurse is able to access these details in a timely manner. This increases the confidence of the medical professional and the patient as well. The patient can be assured of an appropriate response since the nurse would be able to access the necessary information.
Cross platform operability – one of the downsides to rapidly changing technology is the availability of different operating systems and platforms. The various devices that use nurse call systems must be able to communicate with each other for the benefit of patients. Healthcare providers should be assured that the systems are capable of growth in accordance with their changing needs.
More effective data management – healthcare providers must have access to large amounts of data to effectively meet the needs of patients. Nurse call systems should be able to utilize data in real time to deal with potentially life threatening situations. This will improve workflow and decrease the possibility of medical mistakes. The data capacity of handheld devices continues to expand, and these devices are also becoming better at downloading and transmitting large amounts of data.
There is bound to be some concern about healthcare professionals having to learn about emerging technologies. However, the majority of these devices are user friendly, and utilize many systems that people are already familiar with. Additionally, healthcare professionals generally embrace any new technology that improves communication and their ability to deliver quality health care.

May 13, 2019

Electrical Preventative Maintenance Saves Time, Money, and has these other Benefits

As with anything in life, all the electrical in your home or business can benefit from a little preventative maintenance. Taking the time to look things over now and make little adjustments or repairs can mean a world of difference later when things do not go haywire at the worst moment.
Here are 4 things that you should do when performing electrical preventative maintenance:
1.     Things to Do in All Your Electrical Equipment Rooms
Your electrical equipment rooms should always be free of dust, dirt, water, and airborne contaminants. You should never store anything else in these rooms and they should all have adequate lighting, so that you can see everything at all times. We also recommend limiting the access to these spaces, so that only you or specific people can enter them.
2.     Things to Do with Your Electrical Equipment
All your electrical equipment should always be kept away from water or other moisture to prevent damage or shortages from occurring. You should also keep everything else away from these items, so that if something does happen to spark, you do not need to worry about anything else catching fire.
3.     Things to Do to Minimize Heat Buildup
It is very important to keep the heat in electrical spaces from building up, as that is never good for the equipment. To do this, you will want to keep the outsides of your electrical equipment clean and keep the areas around them well ventilated. You should also clean or replace any filters and inspect seals and gadgets to see if they need replacing as well.
4.     Things to Do with Your Electrical Connections
When it comes to your electrical connections, you should identify hot spots with a scanning device and always look to make sure that they are tight. It is also an excellent idea to check for signs of corrosion, excessive heating, and even signs of arcing. When you take the time to replace or repair those items that are bad now, you can be saving yourself a lot of time, money, and headaches later.
If you do these four things routinely, you should have no major issues come up unexpectedly with your electrical system. Instead, you will find that you know when a problem looks like it may be starting, and you can take the proper measures to fix it before everything gets out of control.

May 13, 2019

Your Business May Benefit from the Installation of a Master Clock

  In any type of environment, time is always considered an important component for efficiency. No matter what type of business you are in, the clock will be checked frequently for the sake of the daily schedule for to meet specific targets. Unfortunately, most clocks do not always keep the correct time for a variety of reasons. To maintain a tight schedule and eliminate the possibility of going off track, your business needs a master clock.   What it is As the name implies, the master clock is the main clock in a timekeeping system. All the other clocks are set based on this main clock so that they are all synchronized and accurate. The master clock maintains the precise time using a GPS receiver or via an internet connection. This affects the other clocks in the system which are known as slave clocks. What are the Benefits? Traditional clocks can experience technical errors or malfunctions that cause them to lose time. They must always be adjusted manually, and this can be a time waster if it happens every day. Benefits of using a master clock system are: ·       There is no need for manual adjustments for Daylight Saving Time ·       Through constant communication with the master clock, slave clocks change without any intervention ·       Alarm systems, bells and other types of alerts can be connected to the master clock. ·       A master clock can also be used to manage the use of heating and cooling systems in a building ·       It can be used for different systems within a single building Choosing a System Choosing the right master clock for a business is dependent on factors specific to its operation. In some businesses, a master clock may not even be necessary, so discuss your needs in detail with a sales rep. An entity that is made up of different divisions that do not require synchronized timekeeping may be able to function without a master clock system. Similarly, individually programmable clocks can be connected directly to a server using the Ethernet to maintain the correct time. The clocks can be synchronized using this method, but it does not offer the features available to users of a master clock. Any entity that needs efficient time management and that has strict schedules, such as a hospital or a manufacturing company should consider getting a master clock. The technology is reliable and can boost the efficiency of any type of operation.

April 17, 2019

Stay Safe this Holiday Season with These 8 Electrical Tips

  An electrical fire can happen at any time of the year, but they do seem to happen more frequently during the holiday season. Dry trees, too many things plugged into one outlet, or a thousand other things can help ignite electrical fires and we want to make sure that they never happen to you.  Here are 8 electrical tips to stay safe this holiday season: Purchase only UL-rated Lights   Lights that have an UL-rating are deemed safe for everyday use in homes. We also recommend that you only purchase UL-rated decorations that light up as well, to decrease your risk of fire.    Use Caution with Outdoor Decorations   All those cute indoor decorations might also look cute outside, but you are taking a risk when you expose those items to the elements. Any moisture or precipitation can cause electrical shocks and fires to start. We also want to encourage you to plug any outdoor decorations into GFCI outlets with covers, so that everything will turn off automatically if they do happen to get wet.    Check for Damage   Over time, strands of lights or the cords on other decorations can deteriorate or fray. We urge you to throw those items out instead of taking a risk and using them for just one more season.    Use the Same Wattage when Replacing Bulbs   Not everyone keeps a stash of replacement bulbs in their house for the holidays, which is why it is so common for people to try to replace bulbs with what they have on hand. Unfortunately, this can cause fires, especially if you use a wattage that is higher than what is recommended.    Plugging in Too Much   Yes, you may love that your house looks like the North Pole, but please be careful as to how much you are plugging into each circuit. We recommend finding out exactly how many items you can plug into each outlet before you start decorating.    Use Caution with Extension Cords   Extension cords are great, because they allow you to plug things in further away from an outlet. However, you can easily overload these cords, especially if you use them for more than one item. These have the same rules as regular outlets, which means that you need to know how much they can handle before you start plugging away.    Turn Off Lights at Night   Those holiday lights might be pretty, but they need as much of a break as you do. We do not recommend leaving them on all day and all night and we feel strongly about the necessity of turning them off before you go to bed. After all, during the day, you can catch issues much faster since you are awake. At night, those same issues can quickly get out of control as you snore softly under your covers.    Keep Real Trees Watered   Real trees can dry out quickly, and when that happens, the lights on them can cause them to catch on fire. While we recommend watering your tree at least once a day, you can also install one of those automatic watering gadgets to do it in between.    Electrical fires are quite dangerous, because sometimes they can burn deep within the walls of your home for a little bit before you become aware of them. If you follow these tips this holiday season, and the rest of the year, you will lessen your chances of becoming a victim to these fires.

April 16, 2019

Understanding a Commercial Energy Audit and How it Can Increase Energy Efficiency

  Commercial energy audits can be quite helpful in improving the energy efficiency of your building, and those improvements will bring your energy bills to an all-time low. Your commercial energy audits will include a utility bill analysis, a survey of the property, and diagnostic testing. Once all the data is gathered, you can use that information to see what changes you need to make to save energy.  The recommendations from those audits are normally divided into two sections of energy efficient measures. The first energy efficient measures are changes that will pay for themselves within five years, while the second group are changes that will take more than five years to cover the costs.  The energy efficient measures that take the least amount of time to pay off include: Lamp replacement, de-lamping, and lighting retrofits Installing variable speed drives to all fans and pumps Repairs, enhancements, and control changes Daylight controls as applicable Retro-commissioning Some of the biggest savings will be seen from the second group of energy efficient measures which include: Upgrading to ENERGY STAR products Replace the chillers and boilers within a central plant Replace HVAC units with higher efficiency models Take a constant air volume system and change it to a variable air volume system Rewire lighting systems Commercial business owners like you will need to decide which of the above energy efficient measures they are willing to pay for and implement, as they are trying to save energy and lowering their energy bills. This might be a difficult decision for you to make, because you may be hesitant to spend money if you are skeptical on how much you will save later on.  However, the benefits of increasing energy efficiency are more than saving money. The operations within your building will improve due to the new modern technologies and everyone will be more efficient while performing their jobs. You will also lower the amount of carbon emissions that you are sending out into the environment. You may not see how that benefits you right now, but it is definitely something that benefits everyone in the world, now and in the future.  You should also understand that you will only see the full benefits of increasing your energy efficiency if you make the changes to all the recommendations. If you only do one or two, then you are not going to see the results that you desire.         

March 18, 2019

Moving Light Switches and Outlets Without Damaging Your Home

  When was the last time you went to plug something in only to find out that the outlet was not in the spot that you needed it to be in? Or, the last time that you went to switch on a light, but had to search for the light switch because it was hidden behind an open door?  These things happen all the time, especially in older homes where light switches and outlets were not a priority. While you could live with these little inconveniences, we are fairly certain that you don’t want to!  Thankfully, it is not too difficult to move either one of these things and the first thing that you need to do is switch off the circuit breaker to either the outlet or switch, to prevent electricity from flowing through.  The next step will be removing the wall plate by loosening the screws and then pulling the little device out of the electrical box. We urge you to be careful with this step, as you do not want to touch the wires.  It is important that you see the wires as they are, so that you know which position each one needs to be in later. We always recommend labeling them, taking a picture, and even writing it all down. You can never be too careful! Next up, is a trip to the store, unless you happen to have the proper wire type and size sitting around in storage! Do not try any substitutions with the wires or you can cause an electrical fire later on.  Once you know what you need and have purchased it, it is time to cut a hole into the spot that you want the new light switch or outlet. To do this, you will need to trace around the electrical box, but make sure that you are doing the tracing in a spot where there is a stud if you have a box that needs to be attached to one.  Since you are moving the location of the outlet or switch, you are going to need to run new wiring. This isn’t too difficult until you reach a stud in the wall or another blockage like a pipe. Take your time with this part, as the last thing that you want to do is break the wire halfway through and need to start again.  As soon as the new wire is at the new location, you will need to push about five inches of it into the electrical box and then put it in the wall. After that, it is time to make the wire connections and that is where those written instructions, labeling, and pictures from before will come in handy. You can then turn on the power to test the outlet or switch in its new position.  We understand that moving outlets and switches isn’t easy for everyone, so feel free to call a professional to have this job done quickly and safely.

February 12, 2019

Do You Truly Understand the Role of a Residential or Commercial Electrician?

As with any other job, electricians can work in many different environments. There are those that work within residential areas and those that work solely in the commercial fields. While some of the training for both types of electricians is the same, there are many different things that each one needs to know in order to perform their job to the fullest of their abilities. Residential Electricians There are more residential electricians than any other type and there is a plethora of different projects that they can do. These electricians can be seen working inside homes, apartment buildings, condos, and other residential type buildings. Throughout the course of their career, they will install wires for ceiling fans, replace light fixtures, add lighting to an outdoor space or indoor room, and even run new wiring throughout older homes. A residential electrician can either work on their own or they can work for a company. Commercial Electricians A commercial electrician will work solely in offices, stores, and other types of commercial buildings. While they can be seen running wires and installing new lighting fixtures, other parts of their jobs include upgrades and troubleshooting entire electrical systems. These electricians normally work for companies and there are not too many that take the time to branch out on their own. There are many different types of commercial electricians and they include industrial, installation, maintenance, sign, and many more. An industrial electrician will work inside factories and processing plants and they mainly specialize in large machines and manufacturing systems. An installation electrician will focus on the electrical systems for new commercial buildings. They do the set up for all the electrical equipment, as well as the wiring for lights, heating, cooling, security systems, and much more. Some of these installation electricians will do work on the residential side too. Maintenance electricians can also work in both the residential and commercial fields and their focus is on the maintenance and repair of electrical systems. They will also do upgrades when needed. Most of the time, a private company will hire a commercial electrician as an employee to ensure that their electrical equipment and systems are always in working order. A sign electrician specializes in signs, signal lights, outdoor lighting, and awnings. While some of these items can be found on commercial buildings, these electricians will also find themselves working on roads, airports, and other areas that have signs. Now that you know the true roles between residential and commercial electricians, you will know who to hire for the job that you need completed. And if you have ever been interested in becoming an electrician, you will also have an idea of what type you would like to be.  

February 12, 2019

Reasons Commercial Property Owners Need to Use LED Lighting and How to Choose the Best

  The lighting in some commercial buildings leave consumers thinking that they are in a dungeon, while others portray the image that the lighting hasn’t been updated since the 1960s. If you are considering making any changes to your commercial properties in the new year, we recommend focusing on your lighting. A simple lighting switch can not only improve the inside and outside of your buildings, it can improve the amount of money you have left in your pockets after paying your energy bill! Here are 3 reasons commercial property owners need to use LED lighting: Consumer Perception: LED lights can have a positive impact on your consumers by allowing them to feel more comfortable when they are there, which means that they will stay for longer than average. The lighting will also make your products and everything else in the environment more appealing, which will increase your sales.    Improve the Look of Your Property: LED lights mimic natural light, so people feel that they are seeing something as they would when they are outside under the shining sun. While these lights are excellent inside, they are also helpful outside, where they increase the value of your property and draw people inside.    Safety: The brightness of LED lighting can improve the safety of your commercial property, especially when they are used outside. Most criminals will choose places that do not have good lighting on purpose, as they know that no one will recognize them in those situations. However, once you add LED lighting, those same criminals will avoid your property, because they know that there is an excellent chance of someone else spotting them.   If you are ready to take the next step and install LED lights, you are going to need to know how to choose the ones that will work best for you. The three main features that you should focus on include the color temperature, the size or shape, and the brightness.    Some commercial property owners will choose warm lighting within the 2000-3000K range, as it provides an open and inviting environment. The only time that we do not recommend that color range is when your commercial property is an office as that can cause eye strain over time.    The size and shape of LED lighting may not seem too important, but it actually is since they have a functional purpose. You may want to choose the size and shape that will work with your existing fixtures or you can change everything and really update the look of your commercial property.    The brightness of your new LED lights is the last thing that you will need to consider, and you should be looking at the lumens and not the wattage when you are looking at the packaging. If you look at the wrong one, you will end up purchasing LED lighting that will not meet your needs.    We urge you to call us if you are unsure of what you need or what will work best in your commercial property. We can make suggestions and give you options, so that you will have the LED lights that are perfect for your space.

January 15, 2019

Exterior Lighting Maintenance is Good for Your Business

  The exterior lights on your property have many advantages, as they provide much-needed lighting, keep people safe, and basically make the area look nice even in the dark of night. However, many of those advantages will disappear if you do not take the time to maintain those lighting fixtures and the bulbs inside! Here are 3 exterior lighting maintenance things you can do that is good for your business: Replace Burned Out Light Bulbs: This is one of the easiest repairs to do, as it does not take much time at all. However, we pass numerous businesses on a daily basis, only to see that they have a number of light bulbs out! Those burned out bulbs are not doing you, or anyone who uses that outdoor area, any favors, as the lighting, safety, and appearance of your building is drastically compromised. We recommend replacing all your exterior light bulbs with LED ones, so that you do not need to worry about this maintenance task as often as before.    Clean Those Lighting Fixtures: Lighting fixtures can get quite dirty from the dirt, debris, and pollen that flies around outside. The combination of all those things can make your lighting fixture so dirty that you lose quite a few of the lumens from the bulb inside. That will decrease the amount of light coming from each fixture and will cause dark areas. A little elbow grease will do the trick and once your fixtures are clean, those bulbs will shine brightly!   Replace Fixtures When Necessary: Lighting fixtures do not last forever, especially when they are sitting out in the elements all year long. A fixture that is not working properly, or has received some damage, is better off being replaced than left alone or having repaired. Repairs are often costly, which means a replacement is oftentimes cheaper. And a fixture that is having problems will never work right, which means that you will be paying for electricity that you are not benefitting from.    We recommend that you tackle these exterior lighting maintenance jobs now, so that you can benefit from your lighting fixtures and save money at the same time. After all, there is no point in paying for electricity if you can’t see the bright lights outside. Plus, people will feel better about approaching your business if they can see to get to your front door!

January 15, 2019

Looking for Extra Security for Your Commercial Property?

Keeping your commercial property safe and secure is a never-ending job, because technology is constantly changing and improving. However, once you determine your own individual security needs, you should have no problem installing the items that will help you fulfill those needs. Here are 4 security options for your commercial property: 1.     Install Bio-Metrics   If you happen to have areas of your building that need to be off-limits to many people, you may want to consider installing a bio-metrics system. This system normally utilizes fingerprints, which means that only those who have fingerprints that match what is in the system will be allowed access to that area. Some companies are also choosing to go a little higher-tech and using retina scans instead of fingerprints, as they are a little more reliable.   2.     Utilize a Door System   A door system is one of the most basic security features, because everyone is given their own keycard to swipe or scan. Anyone that doesn’t have a keycard will need to wait to be buzzed in by a person on the inside, however, that means that you will always need to have someone available by the door to assist those visitors.    3.     Install a Perimeter Security System   Perimeter security systems are perfect for those times when no one is in the building. Anytime somewhere enters the building when this system is on, the motion sensors will activate a loud alarm. Once the alarm is activated, the police are automatically notified. You can bypass the police, by having this system monitored, and the monitoring company will simply call you before the police. This can be handy if you have employees that like to work during off hours and may forget about turning the alarm system off when they arrive.   4.     Cloud Control   All these different security devices need to be controlled somehow, and we recommend making it possible to control them all via the cloud. This ensures that you have access to each security device, no matter where you are, so you can view what is going on now and what has happened in the past.   These four security options will help you keep your commercial property more secure than ever before and the best part is that everyone else that is there will be safer at the same time. While these options will meet most needs, you can feel free to let us know your specific needs, so we can help you create a plan that will work best for you.    

November 20, 2018

Protect Your Home or Commercial Property with These Tips

Theft, vandalism, and other crimes are happening on properties all over the world, which is why you need to stay ahead of the game with yours. If you have never had anything happen at one of your job sites or properties, consider yourself lucky! However, do not think that your luck will stay with you, because something bad will occur sooner than later. It is just the way of life! Here are 5 tips that will help protect your home or commercial property: 1.     Install a CCTV   A CCTV will do more than help protect your property, it will also help you cut costs and allow you to show evidence if you ever need to go to court. This ensures that there will never be any he said, she said issues that never get resolved properly.   2.     LED Lighting   People tend to do shady business in areas where there is little lighting, so we recommend that you light your property up with LED lighting immediately. These lights will ensure that anyone that doesn’t belong on your property won’t stay there for any length of time. Plus, it will make the area safer for those who need to be there later at night.   3.     Monitoring   If you take the time to install a CCTV system, you will have all the evidence that you need after the fact. However, if you want to prevent the most damage, we recommend that you have someone monitoring that video feed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This will ensure that if something does happen, you can stop it before the problem becomes worse than it needs to be.   4.     Access Control   This type of system will keep things from wandering away from the job site, as only those that have access to them can take them. This system will ensure that you have fewer thefts and attempted vandalisms, which will save you time and money in the long term.   5.     Automation Systems for the Road and Perimeter   Once the inside of your property is deemed safe, you may think that you are all set, however, that is not the case. We recommend that you spend just as much time securing the outside of your property, near the road and the perimeter, so that the people that shouldn’t be there cannot get inside.   These five tips will ensure that your home or commercial property is safer than it has been in the past and that you will never need to deal with extensive damage from someone that shouldn’t be there.        

November 20, 2018

5 Steps for Effectively Planning Your Commercial Renovations or Tenant Improvements

Any type of renovation or improvement needs to be carefully considered and planned out before the work can be done or you may find yourself doing work that doesn’t exactly fit your current or future needs. We want to keep you from living a nightmare and doing work that doesn’t need to be done or not doing something that you should. 
Here are 5 steps for effectively planning your commercial renovations or tenant improvements:

Identify All Your Goals

As mentioned above, you should know exactly what you need before you do any type of work. There are a few questions that you can ask yourself to assist with this process including:

What issues do I need this renovation or improvement to solve?
What is my current budget?
Who will I need to work with to accomplish my goals?
What new technologies can I incorporate into the renovations and improvements?


Get a Team Together

No one person can do all the work on any project, which is why you will need to get a team together. A designer, contractor, and numerous subcontractors including an electrician will make up the team of people that you choose. Most of the subcontractors will do the work that they specialize in, so that all those jobs are done correctly. After all, you are not going to want an electrician hanging drywall or a drywall expert running wires. 

Create a Plan

Everyone needs a plan when they are working on a project and you may need to do some research in order to determine any issues that you may face as the work is being completed. If you can figure out the answers to any questions that you may have before you need them, the work will continue faster than if you need to stop and do the research later. This is also the time to determine how old all the mechanical and electrical systems are and the qualities of the existing utilities. 

Create a Schedule that is Realistic

You may want all the renovations and improvements done in a few days, but that isn’t a realistic expectation. Instead, we urge you to create a schedule that gets the work done in a timely manner, while also scheduling in additional time for little issues that may pop up along the way. You may want to allow extra time in the schedule too for the additional electrical work that may need to be done, especially if you are installing or updating surveillance cameras. 

Prepare Two Budgets

We always say that everyone needs two different budgets, which is why we always tell people to take a portion of their original budget and set it aside. That smaller budget can then be used to pay for any issues that arise during the work. 
Your commercial renovations and tenant improvements will go much more smoothly if you follow these five steps before you begin the work. It may seem like a lot of work in the beginning, but you will be happy with all the time you save later on. 

October 31, 2018

How to Know When to Upgrade or Replace Your Home’s Electrical System

Many older homes in Bakersfield were built in the 1960s or earlier. These homes may have serious hidden electrical hazards. Don’t let that scare you too much, because each home is different. We aren’t screaming that the sky is falling; just giving you something to consider. Today we want to tell you how to know when your home’s electrical system needs to be updated or replaced. 
Homes Built between 1950 and 1980 May Need Attention 

Age and Condition: Circuit breakers have a life of about 25-40 years under the best of conditions. If you notice any discoloration or age-related issues with your circuit breakers, it’s time to give the electrical panel some attention.
Circuit Breakers Trip: We’ve all overloaded a breaker from time to time, but this really becomes a problem with older homes. 
Dimming Lights: Your electrical system shouldn’t have a problem running everything in your home. If you notice lights dim when you turn on the hair dryer or the vacuum cleaner, give us a call so we can make sure everything is okay.
Power Strips: Older homes don’t have enough electrical outlets to meet the demands of today’s family. You shouldn’t have to use power strips or extension cords to create more outlets in your home. This also runs the risk of tripping the breaker or overloading the outlet and causing an electrical fire. 

Benefits of Newer Electrical Panels
Older homes generally have lower amperage panels than those we use today. Today’s households use a lot of heat-producing appliances such as hair dryers, straightening irons, curling irons, and a variety of other electrical items. These items need a higher amperage electrical panel than those you generally find in older homes. 

Homes built or remodeled past 1980 are probably up to code as far as the national building codes are concerned. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the electrical panel in the home can effectively handle the pressure the household puts on it. Give us a call if you’re concerned that your electrical panel isn’t quite doing the job. We’ll check it out and give you our professional opinion.

Posted by: Admin 

August 30, 2018

Make Sure Your Office is Properly Connected and Ready for Business in Today’s World

Let’s talk business in today’s world and how things have changed in previous years. 30 years ago, businesses didn’t have internet; can you imagine working and maintaining your business today without full connectivity? The first internet connectivity included a phone line and a modem. Some of us remember the screeching sound and connecting that dial-up modem very well. 
Today, however, we can do a lot of our business on our phone. Small business owners can deal with meetings via video chat as well as maintain our schedule from the convenience of our cell phone. Most companies today require a solid connection to the internet in order to properly function. Everyone from large-scale data centers to hospitals, churches, and other office buildings need connectivity in order to thrive in today’s busy world. 
Here are a few ways we can help you make sure that your company is ready for business: 

Tenant Improvements: We are involved in every stage of tenant improvements from design to construction, and of course wiring and cabling. 
Electrical Design: Every company has unique electrical needs; otherwise every office would be a cookie-cutter copy of the next. 
Data and Telecom Design: Telecom has come a long way in recent years. We will help you design the best system for your company’s needs. 
Fiber Optics Design: Fiber optic internet availability is expanding into many cities. We will design the most effective way to access fiber optics and help keep your company on the leading edge of technology.
Fire Alarm Design and Installation: Keep your employees and your company safe with a custom designed fire alarm system.
Perimeter Detection: Motion detecting lighting and cameras help employees who work late and deter criminals who don’t wish to be caught on camera. 
Surveillance and Alarm System: Surveillance and alarm systems go hand-in-hand with perimeter detection systems in protecting your employees, your business, and your property.

The Short Story

We’re certified contractors and electricians and we can help you design, build, and wire your business from top to bottom. We’ll ensure that your phone system is properly designed and implemented to handle today’s workloads and that your internet connection can effectively pass all the traffic your company needs to pass. We’ll customize lighting for each area of the office so every area has ample lighting for jobs that need to be done.

Posted by: Admin 

August 30, 2018