Title 24 Lighting Acceptance Testing
Non-Residential third-party lighting controls inspectors
What is Title 24 Acceptance Testing?
Effective as of July 1, 2014, all required lighting controls and devices must be certified as properly installed and operational, prior to the issuance of occupancy permits.
Acceptance Technicians must then submit corresponding paperwork into the governing organization.
Some examples are:
- Certifying the Programming on Astronomical Time Clocks
- Dimming and Daylighting Censors dim to correct levels
- Occupancy / Vacancy / Motion Sensors are working and functional
- All Switches are installed and programmed correctly
- All Devices and Controls are installed in correct locations per the stamped set of drawings and Title 24.6 code
Who Can Provide Acceptance Testing?
Only Certified Technicians can conduct acceptance testing. All certified Technicians must also be employed by a certified acceptance testing employer
Acceptance Testing Compliance Forms
- 2016-NRCA-TLI-02-A Lighting Controls.
- 2016-NRCA-TLI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Controls
- 2016-NRCA-TLI-04-A Automatic Demand Responsive
- 2016-NRCA-TLI-05-A Automatic Institutional Tuning PAF
- 2016-NRCA-LTD-02-A Lighting Controls Outdoor Lighting Controls